Wednesday 29 September 2010


My final image was ok, but i was a bit disapointed because i thnk i could of done better.
I do think this has improved my photo shop skills as i find useing tools alot easyier and i do not need to ask for help contantly as i did before.

Throughout this image i was useing tools like smooth,stamp, brush, magic wand, mask, layers. hue and saturation and a few more. most of these where used to add a smooth merge between all the layers.

I am confident with my photo shop skills and beleve i could of done better then this . maybe . but i dont fear the work photoshop as i did at the start of the project having never used photo shop before.  

I changed the image i described from my  proposal, i originaly wanted to get a water reclaiming land look but ended up changeing it quite a bit, i got rid of the eveolution side of it ( a halfman half fish) and the city i was going to put in was scraped. i changed it to more natural things like hills and mountains and managed to achieve a look i was satisfied in.
I made  a house from a house boat removeing the bottom half and adding a new layer to the top and copying a window and stamping it along the boat i also made the boat less blue , creatieng a focus point of the image.
the fish in the back ground are to reinforece the fact it is under water along with the blue of all the images of the picture if self.

Final Image

This is my Final image

Current evaluation

I have removed teh diver because he does not realy add anything for the image, i am trying to add more depth too the image by layering it, adding effects and deeper colours in the background and putting things in the distance which give more life to teh back ground.

I wouldnt say its a master peice and i think i could do better but . this is what i have now and im doing my best oto make the image work. i dosent look stupidly unreal and the house image i added is alittle brighter then the other images to catch the eye.

Health and Safety

This was my score in the health and safety test online.
We learnt what the best seating postions where. the proper posture, how to adjust the seat and how to postion the screen properly.
and when to take a break.

Mind Map

This mind map was created to help with ideas for the under water scenes. We also made another one which was underwater related.

The entire class was involved in makeing the these, we swaped around the room adding so we had a massive list of things.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Use of Touch Screens And Graphic Tablet

The Graphic Tablet and Touch screen have both come in handy at diffrent times, epecialy when you need to remove or do precise movements.
for example i used the touch screen in my first project while useing the smudge tool, makeing an arced angle which was alot easier and look more fulid and natural then if i used the mouse.
Eraseing useing a touch screen or Graphic Pad makes it alot easier because your movements are not as restricted.

Update on Final Product

a update on my final design, it has a few new things added and im tweeking the colours. the idea is maybe to get a volcano look on that moutain in the back ground. put some more fish and make it look more sea like.