Wednesday 22 September 2010

Leopard skinned Rhino.

today we made a rhino with lepord print skin.
we took two images one of a rhino and one a leopard, and placed the leopard over the rhino in another layer lowering the opacity so we could so the leopard could be moved and tilted till it was overing most of the rhino.
useing the liquify tool the leopard image was blended and manipulated into covering as much of the rhino as possible.
A mask was used to remove unwated parts of the leopard, the tail, extra leg and eyes.
After useing the liquify the stamp tool was used to take a section of the leopard print and paste over other sections that would other wise be to hard to cover.
the mask was then used again to remove the leopard skin off other parts of of detail, Like the rhino ears, Horn , Gum. and other aprts which ould not be covered by skin

Images will not upload, but! you cna see what end result on other peoples blog from the class.

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