Tuesday 14 September 2010

Photoshop Task1

We used the smudge and brush tool which we had to edit to make the brush bigger or small, and hardness/strength which affected how strong an effect or stroke was.
We learned short cuts like B for brush, brackets to increase the brush size alt delete to fill a page with the foreground colour.  Z for zoom.
Selecting colours and the use of colours, and web safe colours.

And learned how to see the history and layers pallet, this history pallet allowed us to remove errors or mistakes easily , and kept a list of actions in order. While the layer pallet allowed you to draw over something without effecting it directly allowing you too easily add something to a picture. Or put a black background as we did so we could see what we were doing more easily.

 This was my end result.  The image could of used some more smudge in the white area. Creating a moving more fluid picture.  But seeing as it was my first time using Photoshop believe it was pretty damn good. But I will improve on certain areas. Like how sharp certain images are.
I do think the image looks like a ball moving over water or something like that moving it , even if it wasn’t aimed to be like that, I am pleased with it.

Using  the smudge we added some more tails and features.
Also using the brush pallet I made a custom brush which was being made to make the trail, an effect like going through water. Increasing the scatter and shape dynamics gave it certain features like.
Increasing jitter affected the spacing of the particles.  The scatter effected how many particles there would be.
I decreased the osculation which faded it into the picture making it more natural.
I think the effect I wanted I managed to achieve even if it wasn’t a very good quality.

repeating the same process for a green orb, and made a trail that would look like movement. 

To achieve this picture I, used the hue/saturation which was used for the blue high lights , although its effect seemed to be a bit more blue then I wanted.
 Colour/balance was used for the green highlights which I think work extremely well with the picture.
The blue highlights on the other ahnd looks very  fake and just looks like the picture had a highlighter go over it.
 The shadow midtones and highlight levels where changed so the pictures all merged together and looked more natural together. Even though the picture is  is supposed to be an underwater scene, it dosent realy show any signs its under water.
Over all I think I’ve managed to create a picture that doesn’t look terrible, and has a good look to it. I can remember most the skills for this and think with some practice I could memorise these skills and apply them more easily and naturally.

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