Tuesday 14 September 2010

Photoshop Task2 - Underwater Scene

Today I made an underwater scene which was made of 3 separate images a shark, a wrecked plane and a garden.

First putting the garden picture on I saturated in blue which gave it a underwater look, making the leaves turn a blue and the stones look like the gravel in a fish tank. Using the gradient tool I started to get the look of water putting a dark blue as foreground colour and light blue as background. 
The gradient provided a smooth change between the colours. Which when out into the top quarter of the screen gave dept, the lighter water looking closer to the surface?
Another layer was made and the same process was used this time blocking out the entire garden except the ground/stones.
A black layer was added and a noise was added to the screen making it look like static , the opacity was used fading it into the back ground. and the shades were changed allowing  it to look like water catching the light ect. 
the second picture added was the plane which , we extended the top oh the plane picture , just above the cock pit so it didn’t distort the picture and raised it too the top.  i extended the picture so it filled up the sides and use the gradient tool, set to colour to transparent. and blended in the ground with the bottom of the plane.
I added the shark picture and turned on the mask and erased as much of the original blue of the picture. after removing most of the blue, i used the adjustment layer Levels to make the shark blend into the back ground.
This was the end result.

 I am pleased with the end result my picture had the look i wanted and doesn’t look too much like all the pictures where separate,  I can’t tell there was a garden picture, and the hardest part for me was making the shark look in place . 
With made me experiment though the levels of the mid tones shadows and highlights, and also opacity. 

I think my photo shop skills are improving and I am finding it easier to use. the more i use it.

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