Thursday 23 September 2010


Our Task is too create an image related to underwater life. having allready done a mind map ideas are easier to come across.
My idea is to create a underwater world , say in the future when the icecaps melt, or something along those lines. i will create an underwater enviroment that looks natural with hills caves. and put an adaptation of a human, like a mermaid sorta thing.
it will look slightly like the sea is reclaiming land .  
i have also thought of doing an image showing that will look like it was taken half above and half underwater. this idea qould of required alot more skill and process's that i think i would of been able to coup with, so i have not chose this one.

Source of images
I have got most of my images from the internet, allthough i have though of useing books(takeing images from a book scanning) or takeing my own pictures ( like going to an aquarium or beach)

Format Selected and why:
I have picked a landscape base because i believe it is the most suitible formy image because i want it to have sceneray and  spand across all the page.

I found inpiration on many websites includeing revolution arts and on searchs through google , many of them had ideas ive never thought of.

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