Thursday 16 September 2010

Iceberg Research

 This image apears to be a painting.Another shade of colour was used on the angled sides of the icebergs bottom acting as a reflection in the cold water. The image also has a flat perpective

 this image was likely made in photo shop. due to the image that is underneth the surface of the water and the effects of the coulds with tthe building. this mage looks like it is composed of 3 images originaly, the background(sky and sea) , the building(nuclear powerplant) and a underwater image (the explosion) each picture is possibly layerers.
Highlights could have been used in the underwater image to make it look more dramatic.

divers inside an iceberg. i believe photography was used to capture the entire image. 
contrast in colour could of been altered useing photoshop giveing a colder and more solitude feel to the image.
also it coudl be that the divers where added seperately useing another alyer and image , and blended into the background image useing oclation. 
and masks to clear the any extras off the diver image that could make it look out of place. 

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